HNBK Title
HNBK Title

Bienvenue à Essen – From the metropolis on the Mediterranean to the Ruhr

The German version of this page is available here.

German-French Workshop WBR group portrait
German-French workshop at HNBK: Assembly of conveyor belts led by HNBK teacher Fabian Weber (centre, photo: AUS)

Exchange students from the partner school in Marseille visit the HNBK and complete internships in companies

From 4 December to 17 December 2022 six students from our partner school „École libre des Métiers, Lycée professionnel privé“ from Marseille accompanied by their subject teachers visited the HNBK and completed internships in companies in Essen and Bochum. During these two weeks, the students not only got to know the German school system and the German culture in the Ruhr area. The focus of the exchange, which was organized by „ProTandem. Deutsch-Französische Agentur für den Austausch in der beruflichen Bildung“ (German-French Agency for Exchange in Vocational Education), was the qualification in the context of their vocational training. A tandem language course, training-specific workshops at the HNBK as well as an internship enabled them to practically apply and expand subject-specific, linguistic and professional skills. The encounters between the German students, trainers and teachers and the French guests took place in a variety of ways. The exchange group not only learned about the German way of working in the companies and at the HNBK, but also about other cultural features such as the tradition of Christmas markets in Germany, the history and local characteristics of the Ruhr region.

The core of the exchange was formed by the company internships at our cooperation partners in Essen and Bochum. Special thanks go to our training companies for the internships:


Accompanied by German trainees, the French interns generally found it easy to get to know operational processes, to work on projects and finally to complete tasks independently. The group was greatly supported by the language tutor from ProTandem, whose language skills made a good contribution to communication between Germans and French as a language mediator in company and everyday situations.

The return visit and internships in French companies for our trainees are planned for the coming year 2023.

Text: AUS; Photos: AUS, GEB

The German version of this page is available here.

The German version of this page is available here.